7 Facts About Our Next Game
If you’ve been watching our live interview from EGX this afternoon, you will have heard the exciting news:
Our next game, the sequel to Sunless Sea, will be called Sunless Skies, and we’re doing a Kickstarter for it in February next year!
There’s very little we can say at this early stage, but to whet your appetites:
7 facts about Sunless Skies
- As with Sunless Sea, it'll be rich with stories. The Victorian Empire in space - the High Wilderness - a "blistering, wonderful night" among the thrones and domains of the stars. The Empress has abandoned London and led an exodus to the High Wilderness, to carve out a new British Empire. With the Empire being increasingly authoritarian, bohemians, revolutionaries and outcasts - like you - are trying to make a life for themselves on its fringes.
- It will elaborate on Sunless Sea. We’re enhancing the stuff we liked, and refining the experience. It will be a punishing game, but respectful of your time.
- At full release, it will be available on the same platforms at launch which Sunless Sea is available on now: Windows, Mac and Linux.
- We will use Early Access again, taking on board all of the lessons we learned from Sunless Sea.
- Why the name? The stars are dying. The stars are the Judgements: the inventors, arbiters and enforcers of the universe's laws - but a revolution has begun, and the stars are being murdered.
- Our influences include: the science fiction of H G Wells and C S Lewis, the planetary romances of Leigh Brackett, Art Nouveau, Event Horizon, trains.
- We are running a Kickstarter for it in February! Stop the clocks, mark your diaries, save your pennies!
At the moment we are in pre-production: art concepts, topline story, weekly seminars looking at different aspects of Sunless Sea that we want to renew or update. We learned a lot creating SS, we’re looking forward to using that knowledge to make a smoother, more engaging sequel.