A new era in actions
The Festival of Endless Actions is over. The bunting is down, the hangovers are fading, and the most dedicated players have nearly caught up on their sleep. We ran it for two reasons.
One was, of course, to draw people back to the game and have a bit of a spring celebration. The other was to gather real data on how crazy everyone would go if we took the cap off - whether it would rip open our servers, whether we needed to worry about giving away the farm in terms of content.
No-one's ever really liked the daily action cap. It causes confusion. It's not initially obvious why you have two different sets of actions, and you can get stuck with odd rollover times. We talked about allowing people to set rollover times for Fate payments, but couldn't find a way to make it (i) fair to people who didn't know when they signed up (ii) explicable in less than two paragraphs on the Fate page. It was an awkward compromise.
So we learnt that we have a minority of really, really keen players (you know who you are, and we're quite impressed :-) ). And we learnt just what we can reasonably cope with, in terms of both tech and content.
So we have some very good news. We're giving more actions to everyone, both free and paying players.
Very soon, we're going to remove the daily action cap for everyone. To prevent people tearing through both our content and our servers, we're going to tweak the action refresh time to every ten not every seven minutes... but that still means significantly more actions every day.
Because Exceptional Friendship no longer increases your daily action cap, we're lowering its cost to 20 Fate. It'll still allow more actions in a session, and more actions from a refresh, and it still gives access to the delicious content in the House of Chimes - but we think a reduction is merited. When we change the price, we'll refund 15 Fate to everyone who has a current EF subscription, to make sure no-one loses out.
So there you go. No action cap, more actions, cheaper Exceptional Friendship. Happy February.