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A pain in my Bazaar

[EDIT: ooh good. We're better now. ]

God, it was slow last night, wasn't it?[1] And we've had some outages. You've noticed. What's going on?

We've moved to a new hosting service. That's the thing about server moves: you know they're going to cause more pain and swelling than you expect, but even so you don't expect *that* much pain and swelling. Like Hofstadter's Law but with more blood and error messages. At the same time, we're seeing higher than usual player growth (which is part of the reason we moved), and we're having to work hard to keep ahead of it.

Anyway, you'll have noticed it's much quicker today than yesterday. This should be a trend, and the longer outages should be behind us. Should. We're getting there: just a little further. Sorry about that. All shall be well.

[1] UK night. US daytime. Which is pretty much the problem. :-)