An Announcement!
Last week we introduced a new face to Fallen London, a Mr Benjamin Villein of the Ministry of Public Decency. Like all our major characters, he immediately discovered the joys of social media and began kicking up a fuss, which culminated in a bitter flame-war with Huffam, our resident journalist, on the subject of something called the Liber Visionis.
The thing is, Villein isn’t actually in-game yet, he exists only on Facebook. Of course, that didn’t stop our splendid players from tracking him down, chatting to him, speculating on how he fits into the game world and so on, which is precisely the kind of thing that makes these meta-characters so much fun to create.
Of course the real question, which many of you picked up on immediately, is this: what the hell is Villein doing on Facebook anyway? Isn’t Echo Bazaar a Twitter game? So, a little earlier than scheduled, an announcement:
Echo Bazaar is coming to Facebook around the end of July.
To celebrate this frankly world-shaking paradigm shift in the very nature of social gaming, Failbetter’s army of drones have been hard at work creating a smorgasbord of goodies just for you. Over the next month we’ll be adding a ton of new content for all users: new stories, new ambition stuff, new art, maybe even a new gameplay mechanic or two. In addition to this, we'll be adding some bits of content especially for Facebook players, but that doesn’t mean our loyal Twitterers have to miss out: you can use your player account on either social network, so everyone gets a go at everything.
To reiterate: The vast majority of new content will be available to players signing in on either network. A few delicious treats will be available only to users who sign up on Facebook. But you can use the same account on both networks. So if you already play on Twitter, all you have to do is sign up via Faceboook for the FB-only content.
So, what can you expect? Vake hunters, we’ve got some exciting twists in your tale going up to level 90. Same for you, Nemesis players. Those investigating the mysteries of the Cheesemonger will find their efforts rewarded, while players lost in the realm of dreams will have new vistas to explore. We’ve got new locations, new shadowy, dangerous, persuasive and watchful content, we’re putting together an online community on Facebook for new and existing players, and we understand that the Masters are emerging from their period of hibernation to talk directly to players.I’ll be blogging about new stuff here every week, and you can also look forward to some behind the scenes insight from our writers. It’s going to be an exciting month, and we can’t wait for you folks to try out the new stuff.
And what exactly is the Liber Visionis? You'll find out very soon.