Candles and their cousins
You may have noticed there's a link under your action candle, asking you if you want a second one. In response to player feedback we've added a (rather reasonably priced) Fate option: you can buy a second candle and double the size of your action bank from ten to twenty. The second candle comes preloaded with ten extra actions. Which is nice.
The candle lasts a month. We thought about making it a higher-priced lifetime deal, but the killer is that we may want to tinker with the actions system in the future again. If we find out the double-candle system causes us problems, making it time-limited gives us the option of waiting a month and then changing things, without potentially upsetting players who've paid for an upgrade.
A couple of other changes to the action system. Again in response to player requests, you can now buy a pack of three actions - it doesn't have the bulk discount, but it does help out players who really want just one more action. Also, we've finally retired the Exhausted slow-refresh and replaced it with a flat 24-hour 70 action cap. I was constantly answering support mails to people confused by Exhaustion, and it only allowed a handful of extra actions a day anyway. Removing it should also fix a couple of silly but extravagantly annoying intermittent action bugs. We're going to keep tweaking all this, but we want to take it slow.
While I'm here - recent and upcoming content. Many of you will have seen the Face-Tailor at his work. We're extending some of the early days Ventures and opportunities - we want to apply the lessons we learnt about complex narrative to earlier content. We're also working on the next step in all four Ambitions, which you can expect in the next couple of weeks. We're also working on the next tier of content past the cap. More University, more Empress' Court, plus Mahogany Hall and the long-rumoured, never seen Labyrinth of Tigers. It might even be out by the end of this month. All depends on safety procedures in the Word Mines. Cheers all.