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Delicious Internships at Failbetter Games

We're looking for interns at Failbetter Games. This is a (minimally) paid role for around six weeks in Q3 / Q4 this year. We're operating under a scheme offered by the very lovely Ravensbourne College of Digital Media and Design, so the requirements are set by them and not negotiable. If you're interested, read on, and read quickly, we need applications by end of this week.

We can offer

- minimum wage or thereabouts;

- the opportunity to work with a bleeding-edge, blazing-eyed team of extremely funky narrative engineers;

Applicants need to

- have a degree relevant to their placement;
- have graduated (BA, MA or even PhD) in the last two years from any UK institution;
- be London-based for the duration.

We're most interested in people with degrees relating to

- Web design and user experience;
- writing and content production [this slot may already be taken]
- marketing.

We can only arrange placements for people with relevant degrees. If you really fancy doing UX work for us but your degree is in Chemistry, sorry, won't fly (unless you can convincingly demonstrate to Ravensbourne how Chemistry makes you a blinding designer).

NB that you may be working on other projects than EBZ - but familiarity with the EBZ background is a big win for us. Be prepared to answer background questions about Fallen London...

Applications, with a CV, to, please, by end of play Friday 27th August.

(Final NB: If you mail this address and are from some sort of recruitment consultancy wanting to talk about permanent roles, our reply to you will include a picture of monkey testicles. Internships only please.)