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Election 1895: A Winner Announced!

A Winner is Announced!

Feducci claims victory with nearly half the vote! He steps forward, offering the crowd a regal wave. Thundering roars of approval hail his victory. "Victory, then?" He nods down to the roaring crowd, "It was never in question, only the margin. London is in for a most exciting year."


There will be a brief period of transition as Sinning Jenny gracefully departs her office, but very soon London will experience life under its new Mayor.

Once fully situated, a mayoral Feducci card will become available in your opportunity deck. As the official mayor of Fallen London, you may hear news of his work crop up from time to time during his year in power.

Look for the 1895: The Victor is Announced! throughout London and speak to your candidate to wrap up any loose ends. You will have till 17th July to use up any leftover election resources, and the limited edition Election 1895 campaign posters will remain available on Gametee until 31st of July!

Of course, you will have the opportunity to influence who runs for Mayor of Fallen London next year - keep an eye out for the official Proposed Candidates for 1896 forum thread. Statistics on the Election will be released within the next few weeks.

We’ll also be looking into the feedback about the social actions within this year’s Election to inform next year’s festival. Thank you for helping us experiment and try new things within Fallen London!