Election 1898: The Victor is Announced
London has decided - your new Lord Mayor is the Viscountess of the Viric Jungle!
We have a great deal to do," says the Viscountess. "I will call on you, and on all Londoners. We will reclaim sleep and drive back the beasts behind the mirror!
Now that 1898’s mayoral Election has come to a close, there’ll be a brief transitional period while the Viscountess takes up her office.
Once fully situated, a new mayoral card will become available in your Opportunity Deck. The Viscountess’ effect in Parabola will be seen during her year in power.
Look for 1898: The Victor is Announced throughout London and speak to your candidate to wrap up any loose ends. You will have till the 3rd of August (noon BST) to use up any leftover Reputation.
Statistics on the Election will be released within the next few weeks to show you how the votes and Careers played out!
Thank you for participating in the democratic process, delicious friends!