FAILBETTER IS HIRING: Community and Marketing Analyst
EDIT: APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! We have a full slate of interviewees - thanks all for your attention!
We're now advertising for a Community and Marketing Analyst to take on responsibilities that Paul and I currently handle, to give us more time to do words and pictures.
Responsibilities are:
- monitor and report on player engagement and behaviour, using both data-driven and qualitative approaches
- propose, manage, report on, tune digital marketing campaigns
- manage, report on and assist in producing promo codes, mail-outs and other engagement channels
- assist with first-line user support and community relations
- collaborate with the tech team on proposing, agreeing and testing UX and design changes
- other stuff a small team needs to get done. This might mean QA testing, mailing Kickstarter rewards or attending events as a Failbetter ear - all the stuff everyone else on the team does.
This is a junior role: probably a good fit for a smart first or second jobber, or someone looking to change careers, who wants experience at the indie end of the gaming industry. It isn't a writing gig, but will involve some editing and secondary writing (e.g. flavour text for promo codes and advertising), as well as close liaison with Failbetter's (one-and-a-half) writers.
Candidates must live within commuting distance of North Greenwich tube station in south London (sorry, non-UK types). This is not a remote-working position, although we do work from home one day a week. It's a full-time position but may be suitable for part-time or flexible working. Full-time salary is 17-22K depending on experience.
Power-user level of digital literacy; numerate, intelligent, hard-working, articulate, affable; industry interest.
Digital marketing experience
Statistical skills
Fallen London fan
Knowledge of Google Analytics or similar products
Simple SQL skills
Doesn't need to look up the word 'liminal'
To apply, mail with your CV and a paragraph on what you can bring to the role. We'll be interviewing from January onwards: we'd like to move quickly on this, so feel free to send CVs for me to read while I'm recovering from roast turkey.
This is where we work.

This is our most recent hire.

Occasional perk: the most delicious ginger cake in the world, provided by the Arendt household.