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Failbetter Suggests

It can be really hard for good indie games to get noticed. Really hard. We know, because we've climbed the slippery glass mountain ourselves, to the point where we have a little bit of a platform. So we're experimenting suggesting and recommending other indie games, in the ad spot on Fallen London where we normally advertise our own stuff.

We're doing this now because Jordan Thomas asked us if we had any advice about how to manage the transition from Early Access to full release with his game The Magic Circle - because we did pretty well with Sunless Sea - and we thought, what the hell, we can help.

Jordan does amazing work - he was creative director on Bioshock 2, he designed the legendary Cradle level on Thief 3, and his first indie project is a really, really clever idea.

Advertising other indies isn't about making us money. This is more a pay-it-forward, recommend kinda thing. And we'll only do it with the kind of intelligent, story-centric games that we think we, and our community, will like.