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Fallen London Fan Art Competition 2017 Winners!

The votes are in! We are very pleased to announce that this year’s Fin de Siècle in Fallen London fan art competition winners are:

1. “The Echo Bazaar” by Alex McCauley


What our artists had to say about the piece: “Really nails the conjunction between Fin de Siècle and Fallen London tone and style; ornate, horrible, and tempting. The detailing on the Master's cloak is excellent.”

2. “A Little Pleasing Melancholy” by xStillx


What our artists had to say about the piece: “Beautifully composed and controlled take on the Mucha style. We loved the flowing intricacy of the hair and the way it morphs into droplets of honey.”

3. “Velocipede Sans Chaine” by Màiread


What our artists had to say about the piece: “Velocipedes and cats, together at last! Loads of great details here, with lovely fungal ornamentation and a great sense of movement. "sans Chaine"? Is this an advertisement for fixies?”

Once again we’d like to thank everyone who submitted something to our competition. Each year we’re amazed at the work our fans produce. In particular, this year the public voting was particularly close within the top 10. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful talents!

We will be in touch with the winners shortly to arrange their delicious prizes.