How the hosts of spoilers / prowl and prowl around
In the next day or two, we're going to be raising the Watchful cap, and extending stories at and around the University. Watchful, of course, is the science of secrets, and Echo Bazaar is a tree bursting with ripe mysteries. Some of these mysteries are about to drop from the bough in the upcoming Watchful content - throwing other recent content into surprising relief.
As we mentioned here - - we don't cheat on this stuff. We've written no cheques we can't cash, and many of the coming reveals have been trailed from the very earliest beginnings. We're looking forward to rewarding your patience.
A polite request, about TEH SPOILERZ. Players share theories, delight in correct guesses, indulge in OMGLOLZ and other Bacchanalian debauchery. That's all fine. Do please remember that others may be experiencing the story for the first time. Many will want to be spoiled. Some would rather wait their turn. On Facebook, show consideration: on Twitter, we suggest the use of #ebzspoiler at the *beginning* of a tweet to minimise collateral spoilage.