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Improvements to Profile URL Structure

Based on player feedback and tech observations from our last change to the Profile URL structure, we’ve made some additional improvements, which have gone live today.

Previously, we changed and added new symbols into Profile URLs. For example, tilde (~) was being used to replace spaces in character profiles, which caused issues for players with actual tildes in their name. This was also generally unsafe to use, so we replaced it with ‘TILDESYMBOL,’ and carried this through for other symbols as well.

This change caused a few people to be surprised when copying and pasting Profile URLs didn't work for the 2% of Fallen London players who had these symbols in their URL. After watching people's reactions and looking into the issue more from a functionality perspective, we decided this was not the best implementation of character encoding.

And so, we've added proper URL encoding and decoding, as well as adding more symbols to the ban list for creating and changing the name of characters. The banlist previously included < > ' | . , & and we will be adding * / ? : " % \ +

These changes will add improved security, will allow users to more easily copy and past Profiles, and also add more uniformity with web standards.

Important Things to Note

  • Due to previous iterations, some people may think their profile URL’s are fine, but this is not the case due to the new changes. Please check the above list of symbols that are now on the ban list, to make sure that you will still be able to view your profile properly.
  • Players with symbols in their profile URL can email and we will fix the URL for them.