September Exceptional Story: Where You and I Must Go
Delicious friends, the Exceptional Story for September is here!
The Northern Witch hunted lifebergs in the distant north, until - one grim day - her quarry got the best of her. The Severe Bluejacket needs something retrieved from her wreck. Travel north with a crew and a coffin. Survive a white hell. And begin to unravel the mystery of one of London's greatest follies.
Where You and I Must Go is the first story in the Season of Wrecks, and was written by Cash DeCuir. The Season of Wrecks will be three linked stories that send you to deal with three very different shipwrecks at the behest of a dying Severe Bluejacket.
All players will be able to visit the Bluejacket and his household. Exceptional Friends may, over the next three months, help him settle his final regrets. Each month's story stands alone, but playing all three will unlock the season's bonus content.
Editing and QA: Killian McCabe, Olivia Wood, James Chew, and Chris Gardiner.
Art by Paul Arendt.
In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:
- Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private member's club on the Stolen River, packed with content
- An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six!
- A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once!
Finishing all three stories in the Season of Wrecks will make you eligible for an additional opportunity, to follow.
If you want to keep an Exceptional Story beyond the month it’s for, you must complete the related storylet in the House of Chimes. This will save it for you to return to another time.