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Sunless Sea: dates!

Tuesday April 29th is now our solid beta date. If you're a beta-level backer, mark your diary! We'll contact you via your Kickstarter email with more instructions closer to the time. (A number of folk have emailed us and ask if there's any way to get into the beta without having backed at that level: sorry, folks, we committed to exclusivity, and so we have to stick by that.)

In May we'll be kicking off a Steam Greenlight campaign. We want to set aside a little time to look our best and edit a properly badass video for that, and we're flat out on making the game right now.

Final release? This is now likely to be June, rather than May, but we're going to keep our options open until we see what comes back from the beta! We will be releasing on Humble Bundle anyway, whether or not we get Greenlit. We know you're eager to see Sunless Sea released. So are we! But we're even more eager to release a polished, satisfying experience... so thanks for giving us the time to get it right. We really appreciate it.

To keep your appetites whetted, here's an in-game screenshot of our player ship exploring the Corsairs' Forest, a treacherous region of rogues and scoundrels. As you can see, we've already begun naming features after our backers.


Very close now. Listen to the engines thunder.