that tag line
Paul: that tag line
me: 'mostly beige mostly text'?
me: what's wrong with it?
Paul: let me put it this way. The beige is not a feature
Paul: also, self deprecation hard to pull off in this context
me: point
Paul: would it be too cheeky to make our tag line "building better worlds"?
me: oh HO HO HO HO HO
me: are you making the reference?
Paul: I'm making the reference
Paul: hmm, wonder if you can be sued for stealing a fictional company's tagline
me: Let's ask [high-powered lawyer friend]
Paul: in all seriousness though, the message is what we've been casting around for. We're worldbuilders.
me: and I like the intertextuality.
me: [high-powered lawyer friend] says
me: 'As far as Aliens goes - there's no copyright (in my view) in the slogan, because it isn't a substantial literary work, BUT never underestimate the bloody mindedness of Hollywood studios, or forget that compared to you they have an infinite amount of money.'
me: as pertinently IMO he points out that Failbetter Games - Building Better Worlds is a bit of a limp repetition
Paul: so we need a better adjective
Paul: 'Building Beiger Worlds'?
me: you reckon the player base might have any ideas?