Tutorial and Keybinding
It’s just over two weeks until launch! Today's update covers some functions which you’ve been asking us for:
Even seasoned zailors will find helpful tips in the new tutorial system!
It’s really important that this is as useful as possible; please consider sending feedback to sunlesssea@failbettergames.com if you spot something confusing.
Not everyone wants to zail WSADly. Re-bind the game controls to keys of your choice from Options in the menu.
The fog of war is less foggy; you should find that the labels are easier to read.
- New vessel - Steam Launch, an adorable lifeboat
- The gazetter page you are currently on will now have its tab highlighted
- Same goes for your current shop
- The Tyrant-Moth, Lorn Fluke and Bound Shark have some new animations
- 'Goods' have now been renamed 'Cargo' on the hold tab
- Being moved to a different port will now update the Fog of Uknown on the map correctly
- The Pirate Steam-Pinnace has moved further North of Fallen London
- You can new assign items usable in combat to different slots from the Hold page on the gazetteer
- Performance optimisations
And some news: very soon you can expect to see stories involving a great deal of monkey business when you visit Empire of Hands…
Happy zailing!