Fallen London Fridays: Rodents and Labyrinths
There's a lot happening in Fallen London, and a lot more on the way. In case you've missed any of our (sometimes enigmatic) content announcements - here are things we've set stalking the streets:
- updates for all four of the Ambitions: shrines, candle-makers, monkeys and the Deep Wards of the Grand Sanatorium
- Emily Short's History of the Black Canvas, and a double handful of rat-related opportunities
- Elizabeth Shoemaker's Widow's Brandy
- enhancement of our early romances into little tales of love and misery
- the return of Mr Wines
- and the crown jewel: the Labyrinth of Tigers, which I can honestly say has more Rats on a String implicated than the rest of the game put together: hyenas, pond-monsters, an Owl of impossible horror and the secret of the Tiger-Keeper. Tread carefully.
...but as always there's more. Here's some of the stuff in the pipeline, and when I say in the pipeline I really mean trembling on the lip of the pipe:
- more enhancements to our early Affairs
- an extended examination of the Rubbery Men, and a venture into the slippery new realm of Downside
- the Hound of Heaven and the powers which set it hunting
- the continuation of the Intimate of Devils line, for those who prefer your devils spicy and occasionally terrifying
- more rats from Emily and more tomb-colony shenanigans from Elizabeth
- Ian Thomas' Watchmaker's Daughter stories
- and all the other jewels in the crown: a level cap rise on Persuasive, Watchful and Shadowy! Climactic events at the Empress' Court. The glittering wickedness of Mahogany Hall. More of the secrets behind mirrors. A possible resolution to the Affair of the Box. And for Scholars of the Correspondence, the sublimation of theories into dreadful, pervasive fact. Go warily. The Bazaar is always watching.