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Thanks, Thanksgiving

Why is Fate purchase unavailable?

The service we use to take payments has been up and down like a wallaby on a seesaw since mid-morning: their service has been returning error messages.

Because of Thanksgiving / Black Friday?

We assume so.

What's Black Friday?

It's a US thing, Google it. Unless you're US in which case laugh at our foreign ignorance.

Never mind that, when's it back up?

We haven't heard back from our payment provider yet. They're probably having a worse day than we are. Also they're on PST, also they may be on holiday. Anyway we'll put it back up when we're sure it's solid. We don't want players using a service that might be misbehaving.

I came on this morning ready to buy half-price Fate and now I can't!!!!

Don't worry, we'll extend the Fate sale when it's back up.

Are you going to change payment providers?

No idea yet, we'll see what their explanation is. They've generally been very good. But we don't get paid when we can't sell Fate, so we need a service we can rely on.

You folks must be having a really bad day.

That's startup life for you.

How can I cheer you up?

Buy more Fate when it's back up. Or stop to be kind to a cat. We like cats.