Mask of the Rose Approaches Release
Greetings! The start of June is fast approaching, and the team are all heads-down getting the game over the line. All we're doing now is fixing bugs and preparing all the launch platforms to get the game in your hands. We've stolen just a few minutes of their time to ask: "what are you most looking forward to players experiencing and why?"
Stuart Young, Producer
I can't wait for players to visit the places we haven't shown yet. There aren't a huge number, but they tend to be on the weirder and more esoteric side of what the Fallen London setting has to offer, and the atmosphere of these locations is great. We have a Rubbery character, so it's only fair to give him somewhere appropriately squelchy and mysterious to live!
Paul Arendt, Art Director
I'm looking forward to players experiencing the big visual setpieces we haven't revealed yet, in particular the bit where the <REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC DECENCY> and with no warning <R.B.O.M.P.D.> to everyone's great consternation.
Liz Hall, Quality Analysis Intern
I can't wait for the players to spend more time up close with some Fallen London faves! Getting to know these characters in a far more personal manner (some would argue an insensibly personal manner) is a treat and I can't wait to hear what people think.
Lesleyann White, Principal QA Tester
Naturally I'm looking forward to people's reaction to a certain charming and dapper hat, and the storylines surrounding said hat. And I'm not talking about the crow.
(Stuart's note: To put this in context, the Murder Crow DLC available to many tiers of our Kickstarter backers actually takes the form of an equipable hat, which will chime in with apropos comments on morbid occasions. The Murder Crow isn't the only anthropomorphic headgear in the game, though!)
Hannah Flynn, Communications Director
I'm mostly looking forward to camping in the Mask of the Rose channels in our Discord to watch the "OMG! WHAT?!" moments happen in real time. This game really takes you places, and I don't think anyone has predicted anything like the kinds of journeys and outcomes the characters will experience. I also have a few more promotional surprises coming which I hope people will enjoy!
Emily Short, Creative Director
There are quite a few different ways the game can end, and I'm looking forward to seeing which outcomes players prefer -- for themselves and for the characters.